Wednesday, June 24, 2009

wear me, eat me

thanks to Marije Vogelzang. buy her book "eat love".
maybe it could be fun to make a workshop - vegetables and jewels . 28th august
I really had a good time making thise


  1. funny! she is so inspirering for me also...

    how did you image the workshop? 1-2 hours nd before the opening mayby or at the opening? Something to do with our bag also :)


  2. Hi,

    I wanted to write and tell you about a new website for fashion designers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers: I've been using the site as an artist and have my work there, and am trying to support. Basically, the site allows artists from all over the world to connect, display their portfolios, and sell their work (with no commission taken). The site gives artists a free gigabyte of space to showcase their portfolios, allows you to stream audio and video works, lets you create live personal broadcasts, and translates any writing into ten different languages. If you could take the time to visit the site, and if you like it too, let your readers know about it, and even sign up yourself or link to it on your site it would be greatly appreciated! We are trying to make a go of helping out artists everywhere and are trying to get the word out, so please help us out if you like the site after checking it out! 

    Thank you!
